410021 Nagyvárad / Oradea, Piața Regele Ferdinand I., Nr. 6., Bihor, RO


News / 2020.02.03.

4th Infinite Dance Festival – Call for Participants

The fourth edition of Szigligeti Theatre Oradea's dance and arts event Infinite Dance Festival will take place between 21–25 October 2020. According to its original objective, the festival aims to present the diversity of dance and the art of movement.

The organizers of Infinite Dance Festival hereby announce a public call for participants, institutions / companies with dance and/or art of movement performances. To apply, please fill in THIS application form, and send it to infiniteprojekt@gmail.com until midnight 1 March 2020. In the subject line, please mention the name of the company and the title of the performance.

Performances will be selected by a professional board of curators. Besides artistic criteria, aspects concerning technical and bugdetary issues will be considered. Curators are: Lőrincz Kati – dancer, choreographer, university professor, Vava Ștefănescu – choreographer, director of the National Dance Centre Bucharest, and Jakobovits Márta – visual artist.

The final line-up will be announced until 30 April 2020.
With any questions regarding registration, please write to infiniteprojekt@gmail.com.